Inez and Dan, Sr. with Danny, Jr. and cousins around 1927.
Dan Traverso, Sr. in front of the Bunde's house on Post Office Street in the 1920's.
Dan Traverso, Sr. and his younger brother, Peter J. Traverso, photographed for their first communion about 1907.
Dan Traverso, Sr. seated with two friends about 1918 in Galveston.
Dan Sr., and Daniel III after morning fishing about 1959-at Avalon Way.
Dan Sr. at son's house, 103 Avalon Way with his Aunt Annie Bunde and his grandson, Daniel III in early 1970's.
Daniel Traverso and wife, Inez. Late 1940's in downtown Galveston.
Inez Traverso about 1950 at 710 "H" in Galveston.
Daniel Sr. and Inez Traverso. Early 1940's.
The City of Galveston - FIREBOAT. Daniel Traverso joined it's crew in the mid-1940's or was on the FIREBOAT until it was decommissioned in the early 1950's.
Dan Traverso, Sr. on Galveston East Beach with Danny, Jr. and dog late 1920's.
A group of young friends photographed around the time of World War I. Daniel J. Traverso, Sr. is seated on the far right.
Dan Traverso Sr. photographed by Danny III's first wife, Edwina Fredlund, at 700 Baylor Street, in Austin, Texas during the fall of 1974.
Dan Traverso Sr. visiting his aunt, Annie Sheppard Bunde's house at 4824 Avenue O during the early 1970's. Annie's niece and Dan's sister Rose lived with her. By this time both their husbands were gone.
Inez and Dan Traverso Sr. in the backyard at 710 Ave. H, Galveston during the mid- 1940's.
Inez Smith Traverso in winter fur coat during the early 1920's.
Inez Smith Traverso on Galveston beach in the early nineteen twenties.
Dan Sr. and wife, Inez Traverso at home at 710 Ave. H, Galveston, TX at Christmas in 1948.
Dan Traverso Sr. with Danny III in downtown Galveston, Texas in front of Kress department store in 1948.
Dan Traverso Sr. and his sister, Rose Traverso shown in 1924 with dogs Sammy and Nicky.
From an article in the Galveston News in the mid-1960's about a group of retiring firemen. Daniel Traverso, Sr. in center in uniform served 39 years in the Galveston Fire Department.
Article in the City of Galveston Monthly Municipal Report, Vol. 2, Number 5 of May 1966.
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