Brothers, Harry Traverso, Tony Traverso and Steve Traverso kidding around in the early 1920's.
Bob Faust, Sr. and Tony Traverso with twins Tony and Bobby on Galveston Beach, 1922.
"Aunt Lala" Helen Lagatos, wife of Tony Traverso on Galveston Beach with Tony and Bobby Faust.
Tony Traverso wears the sombrero in the photo and his wife Helen stands in front of him. They are with some relatives and friends.
Tony Traverso with two other men, one might be his brother, Louis Traverso.
Tony Traverso with two others in photo studio picture from the 1920's. Tony on the far right own barber shops, bootlegged and was a gambler. Tony was a "hale fellow well met" was remembered as bigger than life character. He died in 1936.
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